Litespeed web server 403 forbidden visiting website
Litespeed web server 403 forbidden visiting website

RewriteRule ^/.*\.(htaccess|htpasswd|ini|log|sh|txt)$. We can also take it further by protecting other files such as. With these rewrite rules activated in the OpenLiteSpeed virtualhost configuration file, anytime someone tries to visit the URL such as they will be presented with a 403 Forbidden error. In our example we are using the CUSTOM5 location which appears in rewrite ^(.*)?wp-config\.php(.*)$ In order to apply global rewrite rules customisations to the OpenLiteSpeed configuration file we will be using a custom OpenLiteSpeed template.

litespeed web server 403 forbidden visiting website

build rewrite_confs command to create one configuration file. Usually the OpenLiteSpeed configuration file is one file but DirectAdmin splits this configuration file into multiple include files stored in the /usr/local/lsws/conf directory. The reason for this is due to the way the DirectAdmin integrates OpenLiteSpeed. When using OpenLiteSpeed with DirectAdmin you will have noticed that access to the OpenLiteSpeed admin panel is set to read only and you cannot change or edit any settings using the GUI. In this guide, we will show you how to include rewrite rules globally into all your OpenLiteSpeed virtualhost website configuration files with DirectAdmin. In the OpenLiteSpeed virtualhost configuration file the RewriteBase directive will look similar to this example. htaccess RewriteBase directive will look similar to this example. htaccess files but if you wanted to use a RewriteBase directive in your OpenLiteSpeed virtualhost configurations you will need to slightly amend the rewrite rule.

litespeed web server 403 forbidden visiting website

htaccess file is the RewriteBase directive. htaccess rewrite rules in OpenLiteSpeed must begin their pattern with a forward slash.Īnother important difference between OpenLiteSpeed virtualhost configurations and the rewrite rules in a. These rewrite rules are matched against the file system path, which does end in a forward slash but doesn’t begin with a forward slash. htaccess file as well but the other way round. The same is true of a rewrite rule pattern in the. As this part of the URL doesn’t end with a forward slash we need to ensure that all rewrite rule patterns in OpenLiteSpeed virtualhost start with a forward slash. The rewrite rule pattern is initially matched against the URL after the hostname and port but before the query string. This is due to how the virtualhost configuration works in OpenLiteSpeed.

litespeed web server 403 forbidden visiting website

Notice the slight difference in the rewrite rules, Apache will use RewriteRule ^ where OpenLiteSpeed will use RewriteRule ^/ to achieve the same result.

litespeed web server 403 forbidden visiting website

RewriteRule ^/(xmlrpc|wp-trackback)\.php. With OpenLiteSpeed you will need to amend the rule slightly to achieve the same result and block access to the xmlrpc.php or wp-trackback.php files in your. RewriteRule ^(xmlrpc\.php|wp-trackback\.php). For example, if you wanted to block access xmlrpc.php or wp-trackback.php in Apache you would use these rules in your. Although, OpenLiteSpeed uses the same syntax as Apache (mod_rewrite) meaning both web servers can follow the same rules there are some slight changes needed to make it compatible. htaccess file which OpenLiteSpeed will read in the same way as Apache does. When you want to add rewrite rules to your website or web application, you will generally place the various rules in your.

Litespeed web server 403 forbidden visiting website